Quantity   Component name
2 × Arduino Uno
2 × SparkFun MP3 shield Can be found on ebay or on the SparkFun website
2 × HC-SR04 Utrasonic Sensor Can be found on ebay
1 × Sunglasses In order to rig the sensors to the lens
2 × AUX chords + circuit wires
2 × microSD cards To load up the mp3 samples to the board
2 × Adafruit Rechargeable PowerBoost 500 To power the Arduino boards
2 × Lithium Polymer 3.7V 1200 mAh
1 × AUX reverse Y-splitter To combine two aux chords into one audio channel
1 × AUX to Bluetooth Module To send the beeps via Bluetooth to the Bone conduction headdphones