
IUT ! IoT (Internet of Useful Things)

A project log for TerraPreta

Continuous Pyrolysis Biochar Production Reducing waste and returning nutrients to the soil

ricardo-martinezRicardo Martinez 06/04/2017 at 02:200 Comments

Thinking about the future of our project, for when it becomes a finished product to be sold, and our customers start to request support at home or green buildings, we have been planning to incorporate a remote telecommunications system that will allow us to start and/or finish each process from a control center application, that also will be capable of reporting in real time the health and different operation conditions of the reactor. In a way, it will simplify and streamline its operation, effectively making it an IoT device and on the other hand, allowing us to gather statistics about usage, efficiency, and yield

We are going to be using a Particle Electron (3G) to have access to our prototype on the Internet:

Among other functions of the Particle Electron (3G) we have access to:

Cellular-Connected Microcontroller

The Electron makes it easy to connect your product to a cellular network. It's FCC/CE/IC/PTCRB certified to comply with any cellular standard.

Fully integrated hardware, cellular network to the cloud

The Electron Series has the hardware, SIM card, global network and cloud services to provide for a smooth experience. Fully integrated and activated, the Electron is pre-certified and efficiently built to reduce data costs.

Global SIM and Data Plan

IoT products are no longer limited to a smart home or office. With the Electron, your products can work with 100+ countries' cellular networks.

Easy Setup and Comprehensive Development Tools

Start configuring your Electron in minutes. With our mobile app Tinker and customer portal, you can walk through the setup process effortlessly. Our tools provide help if you need it, from troubleshooting guides to experts in our community.

A full toolkit of Cloud applications

The Particle Cloud's a suite of tools allows you to manage all of your SIMs in one place. Easily configure your 2G and 3G applications on the cloud.

Technical specs

Cellular specs

Microcontroller specs

Other info

TerraPreta code:

CC BY-SA 3.0: Creative Commons Share-alike 3.0.
TerraPreta code:
GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPL-3.0)
