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A project log for DEER - electronic repeller

Electronic animal repeller for keeping them safe.

ondej-petrlkOndřej Petrlík 05/30/2017 at 18:330 Comments

Hello, it is long time from last update.

But there is no better day to publish the program than when this project was featured on the Hackaday blog. Yay!

A lot of people were afraid about of repeating the same sound that animals get used to quickly. But I was counting on it. Even the light blinks randomly. There will be no probelm with a little variation, because the device is installed only a day or two before chopping high grass. Here it is active mainly at night because I do not want to be silent place here. Then at that place the animals do not want to spend the day. Just before chopping, the device is uninstalled and later used elsewhere.

If you find a bug in my program, I'd really like hear about it. So far everything looks fine. I hope it will be readable to others. You can ask in the comments on everything about this project.
