
Statistics for 2017 Hackaday Prize Entries

BeatifulSoup data based on Web scraping projects with tag "2017HackadayPrize", or submitted to the list "2017prize"

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A Python script that generates timestamped, TAB separated, CSV files.
Generated CSV files can be opened as spreadsheets, sorted, filtered, aggregated, etc.

Video or it didn't happen!

Interactive and animated chart for the Leaderboard Awards. The data used in this chart was collected by Yann Guidon / YGDES over a period of more than 40 days.

Play with the data for yourself. Yes, the webpage is lousy for the moment, please look at the interactive data instead.

Data about 2017 Hackaday Prize projects was harvested by accessing web pages.

Attached files can be opened as spreadsheets, then filtered, sorted, aggregated and so on.

Google Sheet with sort/filter enabled: 12 hours before the end of the First Round
The above link was made with a data snapshot taken at 2017-05-01 05:01:09, Bucharest time, about 12 hours before the end of the First Round of the 2017 Hackaday Prize competition. The competition will continue with the next rounds. Good Luck to everybody!


The next two tables contains aggregated data (sorted pivot tables prepared from the above link)

Most Skulls - Top 100 by Likes (please note: this list is not about money, some of the Likes are not counted by the official Hackaday Money LeaderBoard, because LeaderBoard count only the remunerable Likes. This table sums ALL the Likes of the projects.)

Read more »


Leaderboard history, march 20th to mai 1st, raw JSON. TAR archive with bzip2 compression. It's a collection of files, use the files' time stamps, not the filenames for ordering.

x-bzip-compressed-tar - 50.04 kB - 05/01/2017 at 12:23


projectsDataByUrl_2017-05-01_05.00.45.csv projectsDataByTag_2017-05-01_05.01.09.csv TAB separated, utf8

x-zip-compressed - 97.73 kB - 05/01/2017 at 03:11


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K.C. Lee wrote 05/09/2017 at 09:47 point

Nice graphing tool.  Not trusting "likes" that shoots up in steep staircase steps when money is involved as it doesn't follow same traffic pattern for the rest of us peons.  I have seen a cluster of "likes" that shows up before the details of a project went up. Would be nice to go back in time in the log file to correlate activities.  :(

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RoGeorge wrote 05/09/2017 at 10:09 point

For the Round One, Yann's dataset is the only one with a timestamp, so no history for the Skulling date/time for now.

For the next rounds, I want to setup an automation that harvests data periodically.

Regarding the projects with Awards that jumps whenever Hackaday raises the Seed Pot (did I just wrote 'seed pot'!?! :o), maybe those projects already has had Likes collected while the pot was empty, and when the pot was increased, they automatically gain more Awards, who knows.

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RoGeorge wrote 05/06/2017 at 11:04 point

Hey Yann, please don't edit my content, I like this broken table display, with the Read More tag inside of a cell. It makes me feel like hacking, even if I'm not. You can always add your own log entries, and I promise I won't modify them.


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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 05/06/2017 at 12:36 point

no problem, I didn't intend to reformat your data :-)

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davedarko wrote 05/05/2017 at 12:24 point

hehe, the top100 details are cut off and effing with the design. A line-number would be could, I'd have to count the rows up to my position, but can't cause lazy.

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RoGeorge wrote 05/05/2017 at 13:19 point

Good point, will add line numbers.

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RoGeorge wrote 05/05/2017 at 13:35 point


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davedarko wrote 05/05/2017 at 14:02 point


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Clara Hobbs wrote 05/05/2017 at 13:44 point

Boy, that's an interesting bug.  And this page sure has horribly broken HTML.

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davedarko wrote 05/05/2017 at 14:05 point

well it's a character amount based cutoff on a table, nothing wildly surprising ;) in that validator is quite okay.

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Richard Hogben wrote 05/05/2017 at 14:11 point

Oh tables, you're crazy

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RoGeorge wrote 05/05/2017 at 14:23 point

Indeed, I managed to put almost all the content of the page as a cell in the Top 100 table, not bad.


I gave up this kind of fights long time ago. The wordpress editor has a will of it's own. Anyway, this project screams for some charts, maybe then will clean up the formatting, too.

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Ulysse wrote 05/03/2017 at 06:23 point
I do not know if the team controls the accounts created by a single person to artificially increase his likes.

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RoGeorge wrote 05/03/2017 at 08:11 point

I'm afraid I don't understand.
Can you give an example, please?

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Morning.Star wrote 05/04/2017 at 08:49 point

It's legitimate Ulysse :-)
RoGeorge hacked us, genius that he is. Smart move as it goes...
<applause> :-)

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RoGeorge wrote 05/04/2017 at 10:28 point

I have had a chat with Ulysse, and the concern was about project with fake voters.

This project does not try to detect possible fake users/votes, it just collect the data available in pages by automatically browsing the 2017 prize lists, so it is not judging the projects, it is just displaying statistics about the 2017 contest.

To avoid firing the human Hackaday Judges, the judging job is left to them, for now.

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Morning.Star wrote 05/04/2017 at 16:20 point

I misunderstood, RoGeorge, no worries. Languages and cultures :-)

You should have entered it sooner, it would have challenged Yann's magnificent effort. At least, I think the leaderboard part of the project is a skull-magnet and an inspired one at that. Who of us is not going to follow it... Brilliant.

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Ulysse wrote 05/05/2017 at 12:06 point

Unfortunately this is the case of several projects. 

It seems that I'm too credulous

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Rishaldy Prisly wrote 05/01/2017 at 15:18 point

Aha, thanks sir.

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Rishaldy Prisly wrote 05/01/2017 at 11:14 point

that was cool sir, i have a problem with my connection (bad signal), i even need 4 minutes to load this page. I will check it later when i connected to better connection. 

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Rishaldy Prisly wrote 05/01/2017 at 11:09 point

yes sir, that was also great. I have bad connection, i need 4 minutes just to load this page, i will check it later when connected to another connection. 

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 05/01/2017 at 10:42 point

Hi ! Thanks for this great work :-)

I must report an inconsistency : I won't get 596 bucks, but "only" 558, according to my script that scrapes, but it's either 1) my script is wrong or 2) you count likes that are not counted by the leaderboard. Curious.

Oh, and "oh f***" I thought bobricius would get the #1 spot...

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 05/01/2017 at 10:48 point

Maybe the discrepancy is due to the way we count projects with contributors ?

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RoGeorge wrote 05/01/2017 at 11:08 point

I don't know, maybe.

Some differences might came from the date/time when I collected the dataset:
That data timestamp is from 2017-05-01 05:01:09, Bucharest time.

Anyway, I didn't checked if the projects obey all the contest rules. All I did was to take he project submitted to "2017Prize" before that timestamp, and having the tag "2017HACKADAYPRIZE".

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 05/01/2017 at 11:31 point

But???? Your stats might not add up to 6000.....


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RoGeorge wrote 05/01/2017 at 16:15 point

I have no idea what criteria were used by HaD when calculating money.

My data does not have a 6000 skulls limit. It simply list all projects with their skulls/followers and so on. For the moment I don't have a JSON parser, but you can check the skulls manually for your project.

You can open the link and filter data by your user ID, 82584, so you will see only your projects. Please let me know if you find any mistakes

{"name":"YGREC16 - YG's 16bits Relay Electric Computer","count":40,"id":18757,"award":40}
YGREC16 - YG's 16bits Relay Electric Computer
Fork of #AMBAP, here I discuss about the physical implementation of the bitslice architecture with russian РЭС15 (see what I did here?)
The 2017 Hackaday Prize
Yann Guidon / YGDES

Let's take this project. In my data it has 47 Likes. In the project page from it also has 47 Skulls.

But in the PrizeLeaderboard data, the same project has only 40 skulls. I have no idea why, and I don't know how HaD calculated the numbers. You should ask somebody from Had.

This is the data from LeaderBoard, only 40 instead of 47:

{"name":"YGREC16 - YG's 16bits Relay Electric Computer","count":40,"id":18757,"award":40}

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RoGeorge wrote 05/01/2017 at 16:28 point

I would like to use too in the Google sheet, but it is not possible yet because of these reasons:

1. Don't have a nice parser for JSON yet
2. Don't know what are those numbers from prizeLeaderboard
3. My intention was to make some statistics about the projects, I don't know all the rules applied by HaD when transforming Likes -> $$$.

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K.C. Lee wrote 05/01/2017 at 16:56 point

My guess is the leader board is only counting likes on a day to day basis.  So if you have likes before the official day, they won't be counted.

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 05/01/2017 at 17:01 point

K.C. is right: the "awarded" bucks start from the day of the opening and the total number of likes is inflated if the project was created before march 20th.

Your ranking is biased and invalid :-/

time to parse these leaderboard data...

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RoGeorge wrote 05/01/2017 at 17:33 point

The definition for disappointment is wrong expectation.

I'm sorry this project disappointed you, but it was started to do some statistics about projects, not as a LeaderBoard ranking.

You are correct about that "Top money". I will remove the word money. It should be top Skulls, or Likes.

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 05/01/2017 at 17:46 point

There is no disappointment, only measurements and misunderstanding :-)

at least the data are there, waiting to be examined.

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Rishaldy Prisly wrote 05/01/2017 at 10:52 point

is that always updating itself or you need to edit them to do some update sir? Sorry for my bad englis

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RoGeorge wrote 05/01/2017 at 10:57 point

The data is not live, what you see is a frozen snapshot from a few hours ago.
If you open the Google link, on the upper bar is a file name. The file name also contains a timestamp.

That data is from 2017-05-01 05:01:09, Bucharest time

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Rishaldy Prisly wrote 05/01/2017 at 15:00 point

hi sir, i saw the leaderboard on in the "bootstrap your idea" section. Is that the official leaderboard? But lookslike it was so old. I don't care much about 'seed funding' section, im just got nervous in this challenge, this is my first. Do you know when the official announcement of the winner? I've mailed them, they said yhat the winners will be announced today, but the other answered that the winners will be announced 1-2 weeks after round 1 end

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 05/01/2017 at 15:14 point

Yes, you have to wait 1 to 2 weeks for the results, and about a month for the seeds. Don't hold your breath but it will be done :-)

Today is just the closing of the first round, not the announcement of the winner.

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RoGeorge wrote 05/02/2017 at 06:56 point

Yes, this is the official Hackaday leaderboard, the table from the middle of this page:

it counts the seed money awards for the first round of the HaD 2017 contest. The winners for the first round will be listed in the main blog I don't know the exact date, I am visiting it daily. Good Luck!

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