A good and complex Lightconsole is expensiv and not everybody can pay sevreal thousend Euros for it. Here starts the Project. Biulding a complex Lightconsole from scratch with cheap componens.
The first part is the development of the 'keyboard', the hardware controlle unit. The goal here is to have a controller for DMX programms on a pc like DMXControll, Freestyler or Daslight.
The second part will be much more difficult. The biulding of an real standallone console and the programming for it. This console should be capable of 8 DMX universes and should trannsmit them over normal DMX Out, ArtNet and other ways of transmitting DMX.
We are now ready to present the first Thoughts about the functioning of the Console.
The main part of software to process the whole DMX rendering will be NodeJS. Node allows us to easily setup a GUI in a browser with HTML and CSS, with Socket.io and JavaScript we can also easily bring function into this GUI.
The whole DMX output will be handel by OLA(Open Lightning Architecture) which saves us lot of time instead of spending hours to bring DMX interfaces and ArtNet to work.
NodeJS and Python as an interface will talk with the IO of the Raspberry so the Faders and Buttons are interpreted.
Using this web technologies makes the PC and Smartphone Application easy to create. Also, adopting the program to other OS will go to be simple(or better: we hope so).
That's it for this time, we will write you when we actually begin to build this thing.