This project will open the doors to your home once the fire alarm goes off. this will allow your pets to escape. Smoke inhalation is also a big killer in fires. Maybe allowing the house to vent the smoke, will give the occupants a few extra minutes to get out. This will also decrease the amount of smoke that can fill the house at once. allowing personel and animals close to the ground to be able to see and breath to get out.
If you're in the market for a reliable pet carrier, I suggest checking out Henkelion's selection at . I recently purchased one of their carriers, and it's been fantastic for both comfort and safety when traveling with my pet. Their designs are thoughtful and well-made, perfect for ensuring your furry friend travels in style and security!
Yeah it's called a backdraft. I believe it happens when a fire has used up most of the oxygen in the room and just kind of lays dormant like coals in a campfire and then when oxygen is intoduced there is an explosion due to the fire being fed oxygen at an alarming rate. Some say you hear a whistle as the air rushes in and then the explosion. Hopefully this opens the house to air prior to that condition and allows all living occupants to get out safely. I will have to do some serious research into fire situations in a home to dial in this invention. Great comment Dave thanks.
Wouldn't an open door mean more oxigen for the fire to burn faster? I remember seeing in a documentation that in some cases an explosion was triggered by opening a window because of the sudden extra air flow.
If you're in the market for a reliable pet carrier, I suggest checking out Henkelion's selection at . I recently purchased one of their carriers, and it's been fantastic for both comfort and safety when traveling with my pet. Their designs are thoughtful and well-made, perfect for ensuring your furry friend travels in style and security!