
Step 5: Installing and Using the Seafile Server Software

A project log for Linux Tutorial: Odroid U3 Server w/ Seafile Cloud

I posting this to give a feel for the Odroid U3. There is a forum but not a lot of documentation out there.

tlankford01tlankford01 08/06/2014 at 02:170 Comments

There are two dependencies that the software may ask for during install so we are going to preempt this error by installing the last of the prerequisite software libraries.

type the command:

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-simplejson

Answer y if prompted

Now we are ready to install the Seafile Server. This will allow a nice interface to your server through your browser window.

Let's first create a directory seafile by the following command:

mkdir seafile

then change directories:

cd seafile

now we are ready to download the package into the directory seafile:

wget hhtps://

and untar the package:

tar xzvf seafile_server*

change directories:

cd seafile_server*

then install the software:

you will follow the prompts here and just choose defaults except for two things:

when asked for server name choose you server name

Enter your IP address

choose the default ports but then you want to direct the data to your drive you setup earlier. My drive path is /media/odroid/labserv/seafile-data

Choose to setup new mysql databases. After all the questions are answered you should have a setup list that looks like this

Server Name: Your Server Name

IPAddress: Your IP

ccnet server port: 10001

seafile data: /media/odroid/labserv/seafile-data

seafile server: 12001

HTTP server: 8082

MySQL server: 3306

ccnet database: ccnet-db

seafile database: ccnet-db

seahub database: seahub-db

During the setup you may be asked to enter to the mysql root password you set earlier

Now we are going to start seafile server and seahub first type the command:


It should start and tell you it is ok then type:


you should be asked to enter the administrative email which should be any email you want and then set a password for the browser login just enter those and remember them. The Seahub should setup for the first time and run fine. You can now check it in your chrome browser by typing:


just login and check out your new cloud server
