
power supply for the rest of us

You need a good benchtop power supply!
Don't you?

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Right! This project about to build the powersupply of your dream! Well, it need to be cheap have to hitt the 25V level and at least 20A on each channels of two. The total sum of power have to be around 1kW. Capable of precisely seting the voltage and current limit and usb and/or bluetooth data logging and remote controll. Red button for emergency cases and the pricetag for the parts around 100 euro.

I know you like it!

The main parts will be to modified PC power supply.

The brain will be the msp430 launchpad.

A cheap bluetooth stick will take care of the communication when it is wireless and USB when it is directly connected.

It will have two built in multrimeters for measuring and display!

  • 2 × PC power supply
  • 2 × multimeter
  • 1 × MSP430 launchpad
  • 1 × bluetooth dongle

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  • 1
    Step 1

    Get the parts: pc supplies, bluetooth dongle, msp430

  • 2
    Step 2

    Parts are done. Pc supplies form two old pc, bluetooth dongle forl ebay, msp430 from TI.

  • 3
    Step 3

    Discovery the supplyes structure.

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