
Made working frequency to Relative Humidity code!

A project log for Garden_automation_and_sensor_network

A network of low power sensor nodes in the garden, and possibly some automation as well.

ethan-durrantEthan Durrant 08/18/2014 at 00:300 Comments

I have been working on using some humidity sensor boards that I have as part of the node. The sensor boards contain a HS1101 relative humidity sensor (variable capacitance) connected in a circuit with a 555 timer which outputs a frequency based on the value. It is the same 555 timer circuit found in the HS1101LF datasheet on page 3. Originally I planned on doing the calculations by converting the equations for use with fixed-point math for speed, but instead decided to use a lookup table of values because I was lazy, and I think that may be actually faster than doing the calculations in software. Here is a picture of the prototype connected to the humidity sensor board.

Here is the output of values I am receiving from the wireless node. The serial output is from a Launchpad running my little testing RX energia sketch which parses the incoming data from the node.

code can be found in my other github repo here:
