I hope to show and document how I was able to put together a web-controlled telepresence robot using cheap things I had around the house, plenty of duct-tape, and minimal soldering.
The RasPi was set up as a webserver, serving up a web control-panel - with streamed view from a camera, and a text-box for text-to-speech!
I mention this in the Past Tense, because I actually managed to get all this done a couple of years ago...
However, I didn't get around to properly documenting it, and most of the documentation I -did- have (including a video of it in action) was lost in recent hard-drive-dropping incident :(
I intended to get this ready for the HackADay prize, but I see that it's already too late for initial submissions, before I've even started. Oh well, I won't bother hurrying now!
How's the project going along man? :)