
Whaw Whaw Whaaaaaaw

A project log for 107.9 FM -- End Of the Dial -- Hacker Radio

Building an FM Radio Station For Hackers Everywhere

saint-mehSaint Meh 09/01/2015 at 16:010 Comments

Sept 8, 2014

The Kickstarter campaign wasn't even close to successful. I don't have thousands of friends and I didn't get anyone famous to post about it. This is a big setback... but I'm no stranger to winning in adverse conditions!


Posted by Montana Ethical Hackers ♥ Like

The project was not successful. However, we're not going to turn around and run home with our tail between our legs. We're building the damn thing one way or another. We will start a second one to simply put the tower in the ground before icy November hardens it beyond digging. We'll get out there with men and pickaxes and jackhammers(lots of thick rock) if we need to. We have the tower and the people. Perhaps this was too much at once to finance. We'll finance it in three stages. First step: get the tower into the ground and put up a perimeter fence(around $400). Second step: Get/build the transmitter, EAS(required to buy), and start broadcasting(around $2000). Third step: Build a nice radio station room(around $2000).

Thank you for all of your support! Look for us in the VERY near future! I'm doing FAA and FCC stuff right now to extend our building window.
