
Video of computer (almost) working

A project log for JACA 1 & 2 Homebrew Computer

JACA - Just Another CPU Again Homebrew CPU, starting by a simple POC 4-bit CPU on circuit simulator soft. (done), then 8-bit (in progress)

andre-baptistaAndre Baptista 03/31/2018 at 22:490 Comments

Apparently people have a strange interest in homebrew computers in breadboards meaninglessly blinking leds... So I made this small video (no fancy production, sorry). It lacks the register and ALU modules, so it's not doing any useful computing, just increasing Program Counter, getting 3 bytes from memory, putting them into Intruction Register and using the first 6 bits to address the Microcode Rom:

Besides this I rebuilt the clock module to include a manual clock, so I can debug step by step the computer. It will be very helpful in future.

