
A little step for a man.

A project log for JACA 1 & 2 Homebrew Computer

JACA - Just Another CPU Again Homebrew CPU, starting by a simple POC 4-bit CPU on circuit simulator soft. (done), then 8-bit (in progress)

andre-baptistaAndre Baptista 09/18/2017 at 16:320 Comments

This sunday I finally could make a progress in the hardware part of the project.

This is the ALU module working, the board below is for test the ALU isolated.

Now showing the sum of 201 (11001001) and 41 (00101001) which is 242 (11110010):

Some next modules will need code to be writen to EEPROMs, I will use an arduino to accomplish that.

Thanks to follow and see you soon.
