The controller is a Chromatron wifi pixel controller. It will be released on Kickstarter in the coming weeks, more info here:

Chromatron uses a scripting language based on Python (called FX Script) to create the graphics pattern.

The FX virtual machine supports running a startup, main, and shutdown effects programs. The linked YouTube video above shows all three.

Here's the startup program:

# define pixel arrays
staff1 = PixelArray(0, 27, reverse=True)
staff1_2 = PixelArray(27, 28)

staff2 = PixelArray(67, 27, reverse=True)
staff2_2 = PixelArray(94, 28)

end1 = PixelArray(55, 12)
end2 = PixelArray(122, 12)

status = PixelArray(134, 1)

def init():
    # initialize all pixels to default
    pixels.sat = 1.0
    pixels.hue = 0.0
    pixels.val = 0.0

    # setup up the status LED.
    # not doing anything fancy with this just yet.
    status.val = 0.5
    status.hue = 0.0

def loop():
    cursor = Number()

    staff1[cursor].val = 0.6
    staff1_2[cursor].val = 0.6
    staff2[cursor].val = 0.6
    staff2_2[cursor].val = 0.6

    cursor += 1

    if cursor == 28:
        end1.val = 1.0
        end2.val = 1.0

    if cursor > 50:
        # signal to VM that this effect is finished

And the main effect:

# define pixel arrays
staff1 = PixelArray(0, 55, reverse=True)
end1 = PixelArray(55, 12)
staff2 = PixelArray(67, 55)
end2 = PixelArray(122, 12)
status = PixelArray(134, 1)

def init():
    pixels.val = 0.0

    end1.val = 1.0
    end2.val = 1.0

    status.val = 0.5
    status.hue = 0.667

def loop():
    frame = Number()
    cursor = Number()
    current_hue = Number()

    current_hue += 0.005

    # update graphics along staff body
    staff1.val -= 0.03
    staff2.val -= 0.03

    staff1[cursor].val = 1.0
    staff1[cursor].hue = current_hue

    staff2[cursor].val = 1.0
    staff2[cursor].hue = current_hue

    # update end pieces
    end1.hue += 0.0005
    end2.hue += 0.0005

    if frame % 6 == 0:
        end1[rand()].sat = 0.0
        end2[rand()].sat = 0.0

    end1.sat += 0.1
    end2.sat += 0.1

    cursor += 1

    if cursor >= staff1.count:
        cursor = 0

    frame += 1

And the shutdown effect:

# define pixel arrays
staff1 = PixelArray(0, 27, reverse=True)
staff1_2 = PixelArray(27, 28)

staff2 = PixelArray(67, 27, reverse=True)
staff2_2 = PixelArray(94, 28)

end1 = PixelArray(55, 12)
end2 = PixelArray(122, 12)

status = PixelArray(134, 1)

def init():
    pixels.val = 0.3
    pixels.sat = 0.0

    status.val = 0.3

def loop():
    cursor = Number()

    # fade out along staff body, starting from center and working towards
    # the ends.
    # the pixel arrays make this trivial.
    staff1[cursor].val = 0.0
    staff1_2[cursor].val = 0.0
    staff2[cursor].val = 0.0
    staff2_2[cursor].val = 0.0

    cursor += 1

    if cursor == 28:
        # reached end of staff, turn off end pieces.
        end1.val = 0.0
        end2.val = 0.0

    if cursor > 40:
        # signal to VM that effect is complete