

A project log for Brew Controller

A useful thing connected to the internet

chrisChris 06/10/2017 at 14:090 Comments

I've implemented the circuit on some strip board with a couple of connectors to attached the temperature sensors. These have been encased in some copper pipe end caps and hot glue with wire to 3.5mm jacks. This could easily be replaced with a waterproof version of the sensor, I just didn't have any.

I've also created a simple laser cut case to house it all in, design in the files on the project page.

I've put together some code based on the Adafruit libraries with the grovestreams api to log the data to the internet and uploaded it ghithub. Sadly I forgot to remove my api key from the code and have had to change it. When I tried to change it the Particle libraries have been updated and the code no longer links due space available. I need to revisit it an see what can be removed or optimised. It's been written to handle two sensors and two heat and cool channels, so I may reduce this to only one channel as a temporary solution.
