
Light switch (precarious)

A project log for Smart home with Blynk

The central controller combined with the Blynk application will control your home anywhere.

tiendoTiendo 06/10/2017 at 19:590 Comments

- Light switch (precarious) includes: electricity supply 5v 1a, Arduino pro mini, Nrf24l01, servo.

Use two servos to control the lamp . Or manual user controls.

The advantages of this type are: when the electronic equipment is damaged, the power switch is manually controlled.

3v3a relay has error handling function for Nrf24l01. When Nrf24l01 is having problems, relay 3v3a will turn off Nrf24l01 3 seconds, then turn on Nrf24l01 again. Because Nrf24l01 has no restart pins.

video: light switch
