
Debrew BBB flasher image ready!

A project log for Debrew

A delta-bot making hand brew coffee (oh, the irony).

elias-bakkenElias Bakken 08/20/2014 at 01:050 Comments

Oh, don't you just love it when someone has prepared all the software you need for a project and wrapped it up in a tight little package? Well I sure do, and that's why I have made a complete BeagleBone Black flasher image with all the needed software for making a clone of Debrew. So when you have all the parts printed, the steppers installed, the beans in the container, go to this localtion, and download this image:

The file size should be


and the md5 sum should be


If you are on a Linux box you can flash the image to a 4GB micro sd card by typing this in a terminal: 

sudo -s 

 xz -dkc BBB-eMMC-flasher-debrew-v2014-06-2014.08.20.img.xz | pv -s 3430m > /dev/sdX 


where sdX is your drive letter. (probably e or f)

Once the flashing process is complete, which should take about five minutes, all the blue leds light up and you can remove the SD card and cycle power.
