
The evolution of an idea

A project log for GoLovely

The journey behind the creation of the GoLovely Makeup Organizer. Fully designed and developed at the SuppyFrame DesignLab

stjerneStjerne 06/20/2017 at 00:310 Comments

GoLovely is the evolution of a Makeup Organizer that was developed at the DesignLab. The original concept is one solid piece of bambo. But as the original product was being developed, the idea took life of its own and it evolved to a much richer and versatile concept:

A Modular Organization System that can be arranged based on individual needs.

Most of the information regarding the tools of the trade (brushes, lipsticks, gloss! :D ) was already there, and that made its development much, much faster. We got invaluable insights from our female colleagues at the DesignLab, who commented about what's useful, what's trendy, and very importantly, what women think about makeup. And it is a big industry, that I can tell you.

Thank you for reading!
