Maintaining Windows and a closed source app on an obsolete computer was a non-starter for me. I loaded LinuxCNC on a Core 2 Quad box, and was able to verify that everything worked.
I wanted to be able to control the system from a laptop USB port. I chose GRBL on a Mega2560. I looked at possibly using a RAMPS shield or something similar. I plan to drive the stepper control board inputs directly from the Mega, so I don't need motor drive circuits. For the end stops, VFD, pumps, etc, I'm going to build my own interfaces as required.
Hi Darrryn,
Here is mine:
Yes Toshiba TB6560AHC. I don't have the datasheets that I collected to workout the switch settings but here is schematic that looks very familiar:
But your board is a much latter version (but the switch setting should be the same!).
Many people have had problems with breaks in the supplied cables. Until you understand how the fault plays out you will think the stepper drivers have an intermittent fault. So be careful. This is a very common problem from my research.
How does it play out! Two hours into a job and the machine loses it! Later it is just erratic.
Pushing the machine by hand does not really tell you about how hard you can push the machine. I think I got more than 1 or 2 mm error pushing my machine hard (as hard as the spindle/steppers would take).
Backlash adjustments don't work well here as the error depends how hard you push the machine.
In the end I had to plan for conventional and climb cuts to compensate depending on whether if is a hole or a cutout.
And you may want to plan for a finishing cut as well.
When cutting aluminium use a one flute bit or it may/will gum up.
It really helps to use a cutting fluid (canola oil is fine) on metal.
Also cut very shallow until you discover the limits of you machine even for wood.
I have cut hardened steel by using canola and very shallow passes, but not recommended
Much of the recommendations on the Internet are for professional machines!
On my machine I cut a rectangle in the bed to show the cutting limits and a second rectangle 10 mm inside that. It makes it easier to align the work piece.
Did I tell you that the bed was not actually level!