We just launched our Kickstarter for the Port MuxR!
The Port MuxR is like a KVM Switch but for electronics. It's a 8/16 channel, bi-directional, switched bus multiplexer that lets you branch out programming cables, logic analysers, debuggers and more.
Check it out here - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sensordots/sensordots-port-muxr-a-kvm-switch-but-for-electron
Here's some of the features:
- Bidirectional data flow, with near-zero propagation delay through each FET switch.
- Low ON-state resistance through switch ICs (Ron = 3 Ω typical, @ 3V) and optional series resistors on primary port pins.
- Low input/output capacitance.
- -2V undershoot protection prevents the FET (NMOS) switches from inadvertently turning on (when in off state) during signal undershoot events.
- 0 to 5V signaling levels supported.
- Supports both digital and analog applications.
- USB serial/I2C slave control interface with selectable I2C addressing (the I2C port is master mode capable too).
- Low crosstalk through switches when off.
- 8 controllable Vcc pins (with LED indicator).
- 3.3/5V Vcc selection header (with optional external power on adapter boards).
- 8x8 pin or 16x4 pin multiplexing with additional primary port.
- Included open-source .NET based control software.
- Open-source Arduino control firmware for easy updating or modification to suit your requirements.
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