Quantity   Component name
2 × 74HC595 or CD4094 Shift registers for the leds
1 × 12V Rechargeable Battery
4 × RGB LEDs or RGB LED strips
1 × LCD display I used 16x2, must be Arduino compatible
1 × Arduino Board Mega 2560 is a good choice
1 × Bluetooth Module If you want to use BT connectivity to control the box
1 × LM7805 Voltage regulator (5V output)
1 × "ZVS" driver See the above circuit for details
1 × Switch Development Kits, Boards and Systems / Development Kits and Boards
1 × Wii Nunchuck controller Or any controller with a joystick and two buttons
15 × Diodes(1N400X) (optional) To make sure your 12V led strips will work fine
1 × IR led If you want to control your TV
3 × 2SC5060 Darlington NPN for the 2 relays and the IR led