
TFT mechanical footprint

A project log for 1Bitsy 1UP

ARM Cortex-M4F based retro inspired handheld game console.

piotr-esden-tempskiPiotr Esden-Tempski 06/26/2017 at 06:050 Comments

I have spent most of today putting together a mechanical drawing for the TFT. I could not find a proper reference drawing for the 2.8" TFT I want to use. I ended up using the information contained in the rather spartan buydisplay datasheet, the Adafruit eagle footprint for a similar display and calipers. I really hope this will work out fine.

I decided to not include the ZIF sockets in the footprint. I rather created a separate footprint with only reference lines, and alignment pin holes. This way it will be easier to tweak the positions of the connectors when needed.

Now we are getting closer to the final position of the most critical parts of the board. The board cutout for the flatflex ribbons is in place, the zif sockets are in place and locked.

Last thing left before starting to route the board is to put the passives where they belong.
