
Open source EMC / EMI tester / alerter

- checking microwave doors for leakage from the magnetron.
- checking circuit boards for RF hotspots.

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Hi I'm Benjamin

For awhile I have been looking into building a device for checking for leakage around microwave doors and cracking down on RF noise in PCBs and have had these images and documents on my computer for about 3 weeks now but realized it is a much bigger project than one person can do on their own.

There are devices that do the same job as I'm wanting to do but cost in the range of $3-60k and are completely locked down and not open source by any stretch of the imagination, yes this device won't be of the same precision as the more expensive ones but it will be built by the community.

Check out my documents down below in the files section:


General explanation

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Antenna ideas

JPEG Image - 1.31 MB - 07/14/2017 at 05:32


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