
Just received production EVIVE and Starter KIT for Visuino support, and posted Unboxing Video

A project log for Electronics for Education Initiative

Collaborative project for "Electronics for Education" enthusiasts

boian-mitovBoian Mitov 08/27/2017 at 03:470 Comments

Just received my production EVIVE and the Starter KIT for it generously donated for the Visuino development :-)


 is Arduino Mega based educational platform with builtin LiPo battery, Color Display, ADC, DACs, RTC, Touch Sensors, Motor Drivers, MicroSD, Buttons, Switches, Potentiometers, and more...

It even has built in small breadboard for  prototyping, and read connectors for Bluetooth HC-05/06, ESP8266 WiFi and XBee.
I already have implemented support for most of the EVIVE functionality in Visuino , and now that I have the latest version of EVIVE, I will see to add the rest of the Visuino support in the next few days.

Here is Unboxing Video:

Here is how the current EVIVE support in Visuino looks like:

As you can see most of the functionality is already there, and the rest will be there soon :-)
