
Big Family Friend

BFFBot is a family robot, equipped with sensors (motion, obstacle, temperature, sound, light ..), as well as happy mood ...

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BFFBot is a family robot, equipped with sensors (motion, obstacle, temperature, sound, light ..), as well as happy mood ...
+ Sensors Motion, Obstacle: BFF will be happy to have people approaching .. and move away from obstacles.
Temperature Sensor: Announces environmental temperature, as well as unpleasant weather conditions.
+ Light sensor: happy state when it is dark or bright.
+ Sound sensor: To know around someone, or communicate.
Right hand: Move or clamp free objects.
+ Left hand: laser equipment.
+ Wheel: help BBF move
+ Display: displays information or status as well as sensors

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  • 1
    Construction and equipment
    1. Draw the dimensions of each part (head, body, left arm, right arm, lower body, left shoulder, right shoulder, neck, and wheel).
    2. The head needs 1 stepper motor, 1 servo motor, 1 vibration sensor, 3 emotional led (angry, happy, sad), 1 led power on, 1 led event sensor.
    3. left hand 3 servo motor (for dynamic movement), 1 servo motor to pick up.
    4. right hand 3 servo motor (for dynamic movement), 1 laser (for fun when angry)
    5. body under 2 dc motor speed control (2 wheels), one left turn right wheel, one wheel under gravity motor
    6. Hardware: 1 Genuino-101, base shield, type sensors
    7. Left shoulder mounted light sensor, buzzer sensor
    Shoulder must attach temperature sensor, sound sensor.
    9. Body: Attach motion sensor, obstacle sensor.
    10. Heads can attach / remove the phone to show emotions.
    11. between the neck mounted 1 LCD display
    12. 1 Rotary Angle Sensor: to turn the power off, to switch back and forth between functions and sensors.

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