
found a cute game

A project log for LAMEBOY - another ESP12 handheld

fully portable ESP12 project with battery charging and power muxing

davedarkodavedarko 10/28/2017 at 10:512 Comments

I haven't seen this before, it's an orthographic "3D" version of pac man on a ZX81. This might just fit perfectly on the LCD! (anyone who wants to program that? :D)  

One Little Ghost (2012)

Game can be found here, programmed for the ZX81 

Discussion on a sinclair board

And here's a little mockup for the nokia LCD version (converted with

any ideas are welcome, if you can think of an interesting game that might work on a monochrome display, please comment. Nokias Space Impact would be cool to have too.


Dave's Dev Lab wrote 10/28/2017 at 16:39 point

oh that is cute!

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deʃhipu wrote 10/28/2017 at 15:55 point

Hmm, seems like your direction pad keys are wrong for this game — should be rotated 45°.

I wonder if you had 4 fire buttons, you could have them arranged in the same cross shape as the d-pad, but rotated, so that you could use them as d-pad in isometric view games like this one?

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