
fixing rev2 board bug

A project log for LAMEBOY - another ESP12 handheld

fully portable ESP12 project with battery charging and power muxing

davedarkodavedarko 10/30/2017 at 22:022 Comments

so far I only know of @zakqwy ho ordered boards from that rev, but if there's anybody else out there, here's how to fix it, just connect the pads marked with an arrow with a bodge wire. 


Arya wrote 10/30/2017 at 22:30 point

Hi! What's the reason for this bug? Just a brain fart, problem with switch pinout/function, or something else?

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davedarko wrote 10/30/2017 at 22:42 point

that's the brain fart where the switch would give VCC to the enable pin of the regulator, to turn the regulator on so that there is VCC. Basically a chicken vs. egg problem :D

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