
IR comm Arduino -> TV!

A project log for TV Remote Control based on Head Gestures

A low cost, open-source, universal-like remote control system that translates the user's head poses into commands to electronic devices.

cassio-batistaCassio Batista 10/01/2017 at 02:380 Comments

I just finished the sections of head gesture recognition and infrared protocol emulated by the Arduino to send commands to the TV.  I think both sections are complete now. I have some troubles while editing the instructions, because everytime I try to do it, the images  I've uploaded previously simply disappear; and the code snippets never separate some block routines by a blank line space. It's boring to keep uploading images everytime I try to do a single modification, but... we gotta go anyway.

I owe you the section about the communication via Bluetooth with C.H.I.P. and Arduino. That's my next step before uploading the video for the final round!

-- CB.
