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A project log for TinyFPGA B-Series

Low-cost, open-source FPGA boards in a tiny form factor with built-in USB, SPI flash, LDO, and MEMS clock.

luke-valentyLuke Valenty 08/28/2017 at 18:311 Comment

The TinyFPGA B2 boards are available to buy today from Tindie:

Take a look and buy the tiniest FPGA board with this many logic resources!


andrea venturi wrote 09/05/2017 at 07:34 point


i'm very excited about your Lattice iCE40 base B serie.. i have a couple of questions..

let me say in advance that the "clever hack" for the minimal USB programmer step, is really appreciated, reducing the BOM a lot for a dev board.. i didn't see any led in place anyway, at least one as immediate feedback of a "running design" would be really useful IMHO. have i missed something? now back to questions..

what about programming your board with the yosys/arachne-pnr/icestorm FLOSS toolchain? did you try it? there's the added value that the 4K part could be "overlcharged a bit", as it looks like the 4k die doesn't really exist.. so B1 is a bit more compelling, provided you have the same $ margin..

then, where are the board supposed to be shipped from, actually? i live in EU/Italy and they charge a lot for customs over 20€ of the wriiten value on the bill. is a "sample/gift statement" someway unreasonable, eventually?

good luck for this prj!


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