
Form overhaul complete (I think?)

A project log for poobrains

A paranoid web framework for aspiring media terrorists

phrykphryk 10/20/2017 at 02:330 Comments

Good news everybody!

I have finished the form system overhaul. It has taken almost two months,
but now all superfluous stuff from before the move to click.types for type
coercion has been killed dead. It was a decently-sized massacre amongst the
classes defined in there, so hopefully that'll make it easier to get an overview. :P

The form systems code has shrunk by about 10% while getting cleaner
*and* more powerful.

Oh, and to add icing to the cake, I made sure all form field templates use
the "required" hint for js-less client-side validation and made sure those fields
are styled uniformly with those determined to be invalid server-side.

Probably going to work on better integration of templatable SVG next…
