
Building the Hardware Prototype

A project log for SNAP: Augmented Echolocation

Sightless Navigation And Perception (SNAP) translates surroundings into sound, providing continuous binaural feedback about the environment.

colin-pateColin Pate 09/03/2017 at 18:310 Comments

We intended to start development with a simulator and audio generation software running on a PC, so that different depth-to-sound configurations could be tested. However, development moved very quickly on the simulation, and things got out of hand. Once we had a running simulation the natural next step seemed to be to take things to hardware.

The Dev Kit

There are a number of different depth camera platforms out there with varying levels of documentation, priciness, functionality, and portability. The one that most people have heard of is the XBOX Kinect. However, the platform that really caught our eye was Intel's RealSense cameras. Designed for use on portable platforms such as tablets and laptops, these cameras have an appealingly small form factor and power consumption. Our solution of choice, the Intel RealSense Robotic Development Kit was a $250 package that includes a RealSense R200 camera and AAEON Up Board with a quad-core Intel Atom processor and quite a few different IOs.

The Up board also takes a 5V input, making it easy to power with a common 5V USB power bank for portable operation.

Setting up the board

The first thing we did was install Ubuntu on the Up board using a tutorial from Intel. While our back end software was written for windows, OpenCV and OpenAL are both available on Linux so we hoped it wouldn't be too hard to adapt it for Ubuntu. It's technically possible to run Windows on the Up board, but we weren't sure how we'd work out the drivers for the RealSense camera.

The next step was to install Eclipse, the free open source IDE that we used to adapt our back end software to our Up board.

Adapting the Back End

Our back end software was designed to read a depth image from the system RAM and perform audio conversion on that. However, we had to get a depth stream directly from the camera into OpenCV for our hardware prototype. This turned out to not be too hard after all, using this tutorial:

This results in an updated depth Mat for every frame received from the camera, just like we had in the original back end. Because of this, our back end software didn't require much adaptation at all! The tutorial even shows how to set up an Eclipse project with all the correct dependencies to use OpenCV.

Powering the board

As noted before, the Up board takes a 5V input. However, it can draw up to 4A of input current, which is far more than any USB power bank could provide that we could find. So, we just cheated and bought a cheap 16750mah USB power bank with two 2A outputs, and put the 5V and ground lines from those outputs in parallel on a custom wire harness to give us 4A of maximum total output. This has been working fine so far.

Using the Prototype

While we knew that there would be discrepancies between the depth data received in the simulation and the depth data from our real-life camera, it was surprising how many different factors changed. One of the most noticeable was that the RealSense's angular field of vision was fairly limited, whereas the camera field of vision is completely adjustable in Unity. This gave us good angular resolution with the RealSense, but a lot of head movement was required to take in your surroundings.

In addition, the RealSense also struggles to pick up reflective and transparent surfaces. We haven't tested it anywhere were there are a lot of glass doors, but in the future we may choose to augment the depth camera with something like an ultrasound sensor to ensure that users don't walk into windows.
