
2017 Capstone Senior Design

A project log for SNAP: Augmented Echolocation

Sightless Navigation And Perception (SNAP) translates surroundings into sound, providing continuous binaural feedback about the environment.

dan-schneiderDan Schneider 10/21/2017 at 05:590 Comments

Much of the coding behind SNAP was accomplished with the help of CS students at the University of Idaho through a Capstone Senior Design project. This year, students will be focusing on packaging the simulator into an easily distributed installer. They will also be adding features so that we can more easily manipulate the sound outputs. 

Overview of Senior Design Goals

10/20/2017 Status and Planning

In January, the team will begin looking into Stereo Visual Odometry systems as an alternative to the R200 camera. If successful, movement in this direction will represent a huge jump from pieced together 3rd party boards and devices, to developing our own purpose built hardware.  
