
Quick Update: profusion of ideas

A project log for Sonassist

Audio feedback for the brain-injured who need help learning to balance again.

simon-merrettSimon Merrett 09/19/2017 at 08:260 Comments

Thanks to @Jenny List, @Mike Szczys, @Elliot Williams, RS Design Spark and others for throwing an excellent Hackaday UK Unconference, I now have plenty of ideas for taking SoleSense forward.

Firstly, a helpful man called David suggested an alternative volume control IC, the TI PGA series. Thank you David.

Then, Saar Drimer from Boldport told me I should check out his Linux based graphic PCB tool, PCBModE. Thanks Saar!

Next, I had the honour of sitting next to the insane @phoenix perry who made me realise that we need to cross the audible barrier into haptics, and soon! 

We're hopefully going to work on something in collaboration but in the meantime I listened again to her recent appearance on the podcast which I heartily recommend to electronics and microcontroller fans. That repeat listen gave me the tip of looking into velostat 3M sheet, a force sensitive material that, only this morning, Marco Reps posted his video about starting to make a full pressure measuring mat for physiotherapy using sheets and sheets of the stuff. @James Bruton  might want to look at getting some for his exo-skeleton robot control system as it appears way cheaper than purpose made FSRs and these can be made into custom sensors.

A SoleSense current prototype update will be coming soon.
