

A re-implementation of the machine learning library TensorFlow in pure python, aimed at maximal understandability rather than efficiency

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TensorSlow is a minimalist machine learning API that mimicks the TensorFlow API, but is implemented in pure python (without a C backend). The source code has been built with maximal understandability in mind, rather than maximal efficiency. Therefore, TensorSlow should be used solely for educational purposes. If you want to understand how deep learning libraries like TensorFlow work under the hood, this may be your best shot.

I have written an article in my blog at that develops this library step by step, explaining all the math and algorithms on the way:

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LeonidBai wrote 10/01/2019 at 04:33 point

I am a machine learning expert that have many experiences in Tensorflow image classification, object detection and face recognition, Vehicle number detection and so on.

I developed a image classification engine by Tensorflow python.

Let's discuss more detail about your project.  Thanks ..

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