
New decoder for the ALU

A project log for YGREC8

A byte-wide stripped-down version of the YGREC16 architecture

yann-guidon-ygdesYann Guidon / YGDES 01/02/2020 at 04:050 Comments

The ALU needs a new decoder because I changed the logic of the ROP2 unit... With a working decoder, I can re-implement the fault checker and validate all the opcodes.

20200103 : I updated files here and there, as well as the main page that contains the "official definitions", because I have changed the order of the boolean opcodes.

I must make a new lookup table that is more thorough than the one at Bubble-pushing the ROP2 as well as the previous versions. There is a big difference, this time I use OR instead of MUX2 to combine the data so there are fewer degenerate cases.

       Func   NEG  PASS_en AND_en XOR_en OrXor_en  CLA_en CMPS  WB CryWr
OR     0000     0      0      0      0       1       0     x    1    0
XOR    0001     0      0      1      1       1       0     x    1    0
AND    0010     0      0      0      1       0       0     x    1    0
ANDN   0011     1      0      0      1       0       0     x    1    0
CMPU   0100     1      0      1      x       0       1     0    0    1
CMPS   0101     1      0      1      x       0       1     1    0    1
SUB    0110     1      0      1      x       0       1     0    1    1
ADD    0111     0      0      1      x       0       1     0    1    1
SET    1000     x      1      1      x       0 pass  0     x    1    0
CALL   1001     x      1      1      x       0 pass  0     x    1    0
SH/SA  1010     x      0      0      0       0 clear 0     x    1    0
RO/RC  1011     x      0      0      0       0 clear 0     x    1   b11 (RC)
LDCL/H 1100     x      1      1      x       0 pass  0     x    1    0
IN     1101     x      0      0      0       0 clear 0     x    1    0
OUT    1110     x      0      0      0       0 clear 0     x    0    0
INV    1111     x      0      0      0       0 clear 0     x    0    0

Some equations :

CLA_en = F2 & /F3
ROP2 = /F3 & /F2
F0F1 = F0 | F1
/F1F0 = /F1 & F0
/F1F3 = F3 & /F1
CMPS = CLA_en & /F1F0
CarryWrite = CLA_en | opcode=RC
RegisterWriteback = /F2 | /F1F3 | (/F3 & F1)
OrXor_en = NOR3( F1, F2, F3)
XOR_en = F0F1 & ROP2
NEG = ( ROP2 & F1 & F0) | (CLA_en & F1F0)
Cin = NEG (more or less but also need to decode ADD 0 cond)
PASS_en = /F1F3 & /(F2 & F0)
AND_en = PASS_en | (/F3 & /F1F0) | CLA_en

Maybe a 16×9 bits ROM would be better...
