
URALOX - The Urine/Aluminum/Hydroxide Fuel Cell

Reacting a "BioCatholyte" - Urine - and waste Aluminum "Canodes", with NaOH [catalyst] yields Hydrogen, DC Current and Process Heat

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The URALOX project will seek to parametize the electromechanical and electrochemical aspects of the reaction process so as to optimize its evolution of energy across the three output domains, in different use case scenarios, for various personal residential, recreational, survival, military, festival, and hospitality applications.

Two benchtop prototypes are under development:

One will optimize the extraction of Hydrogen, for use in a conventional generator, with heat energy recovered through a coolant loop with heat exchangers. with a water pump and fan powered by the electrochemical current output

The other will optimize the extraction of the DC current, with heat energy recovered using Seebeck-effect thermoelectric devices, and the Hydrogen processed through a conventional Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell.

With the abundance of reactants available in several use-case scenarios, the productization effort comes down to form factor considerations.

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