
The NexTrode VPS - Voltaic Power Sequencer

A Carbon Supercapacitor storage array for Home Power applications, far cheaper than Lead Acid or Lithium Ion Batteries

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Built from inexpensive commonly available raw materials and processing equipment, the Voltaic Power Sequencer will comprise a massive array of low-tech Supercapacitors which obey advanced process chemistry to yield exceptional mass and volumetric energy storage, at a fraction of the cost per Watt-hour of conventional Lead-Acid, Lithium Ion, or NIckel Iron batteries.

Drawing on an ever-changing, continuously evolving global Open Source effort, the VPS project will move toward rapid productization (over "paralysis by analysis") with concurrent manufacturing and research/design iteration, with integral feedback/correction. By defining the product package construct and the assembly process, dynamic variation in the fabrication technique can be readily accommodated in realtime.

Anticipated is a foot-locker sized device able to store - and deliver - 12 Kilowatt hours as usable household energy, with over 100,000 recharge cycles.

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