Below is a sample of the serial monitor output window.
Cycle #89 
Clear distance to front:    0-In    0-Cm 
        Temperature:    21-C    71-F 
   System Arming State:    Disarmed 
    Transmission State:     Neutral 
         Turn State:    Going Straight 
         Spin State:    Not Spinning 
        Throttle State:     0% 
 Right Stick Horizontal:    Remote CH1    1496-126 
   Right Stick Verticle:    Remote CH2    1512-130 
  Left Stick Horizontal:    Remote CH4    1444-113 
    Left Stick Verticle:    Remote CH3    1000-0 
   Arming switch signal:    Remote CH5    1992-252 
  Mode Dial(Delay time):    Remote CH6    1992-252 
Gyro Motion-Acceleration:    AX-4148        AY-448        AZ17456     
   Gyro Motion-Rotation:    GX-1034        GY361        GZ-105 
      Gyro Acceleration:    AX-4116        AY-568        AZ17408 
          Gyro Rotation:    GX-1023        GY363        GZ-53  
#include <EnableInterrupt.h>
#include <NewPing.h>
#include "I2Cdev.h"
#include "MPU6050.h"
#include "Wire.h"
#define SERIAL_PORT_SPEED 57600
#define TRIGGER_PIN  3
#define ECHO_PIN     4
#define MAX_DISTANCE 500
MPU6050 accelgyro;
#define heartbeat_pin 7
int heartbeatDelay=10;
int delayTime=0;
int count = 0;
int delayMultiplier=2;
int16_t ax, ay, az;
int16_t gx, gy, gz;
int16_t ax1, ay1, az1;
int16_t gx1, gy1, gz1;
int x, x1;
int y, y1;
int z, z1;
int temp=0;
int tempC=0;
int tempF=0;
#define RC_NUM_CHANNELS  6
#define RC_CH1  0
#define RC_CH2  1
#define RC_CH3  2
#define RC_CH4  3
#define RC_CH5  4
#define RC_CH6  5
#define RC_CH1_INPUT  A0
#define RC_CH2_INPUT  A1
#define RC_CH3_INPUT  A2
#define RC_CH4_INPUT  A3
#define RC_CH5_INPUT  8
#define RC_CH6_INPUT  9
uint16_t rc_values[RC_NUM_CHANNELS];
uint32_t rc_start[RC_NUM_CHANNELS];
volatile uint16_t rc_shared[RC_NUM_CHANNELS];
bool left_turn = false;
bool right_turn = false;
bool left_spin = false;
bool right_spin = false;
bool not_spinning=true;
bool straight = true;
bool reverse = false;
bool forward = false;
bool brakes = false;
bool neutral = true;
bool armed = false;
int rc_input_Deadzone = 20;
int rc_input_MIN = 1000;
int rc_input_MAX = 2000;
int pwm_MIN = 0;
int pwm_MAX = 255;
int pwm_ch1 = 0;
int pwm_ch2 = 0;
int pwm_ch3 = 0;
int pwm_ch4 = 0;
int pwm_ch5 = 0;
int pwm_ch6 = 0;
int arming_MIN = 20;
int arming_MAX = 230;
int forward_AT = 150;
int reverse_AT = 90;
int left_AT = 150;
int right_AT = 90;
int throttle=0;
int LF_motor_pin = 5;
int LR_motor_pin = 6;
int RF_motor_pin = 10;
int RR_motor_pin = 11;
int L_motor_speed = 0;
int R_motor_speed = 0;
int outMax = 255;
int outMin = 0;
float lastInput = 0;
double ITerm = 0;
double kp = 2;         // Proportional value
double ki = 0;           // Integral value
double kd = 0;           // Derivative value
double Setpoint = 0;     // Initial setpoint is 0
double Compute(double input) {
  double error = Setpoint - input;
  ITerm += (ki * error);
  if (ITerm > outMax) ITerm = outMax;
  else if (ITerm < outMin) ITerm = outMin;
  double dInput = (input - lastInput);
  // Compute PID Output
  double output = kp * error + ITerm + kd * dInput;
  if (output > outMax) output = outMax;
  else if (output < outMin) output = outMin;
  // Remember some variables for next time
  lastInput = input;
  return output;
void SetSetpoint(double d) {
  Setpoint = d;
double GetSetPoint() {
  return Setpoint;
void rc_read_values() {
  memcpy(rc_values, (const void *)rc_shared, sizeof(rc_shared));
void calc_input(uint8_t channel, uint8_t input_pin) {
  if (digitalRead(input_pin) == HIGH) {
    rc_start[channel] = micros();
  } else {
    uint16_t rc_compare = (uint16_t)(micros() - rc_start[channel]);
    rc_shared[channel] = rc_compare;
void calc_ch1() {
  calc_input(RC_CH1, RC_CH1_INPUT);
  if (rc_values[RC_CH1] < rc_input_MIN) {
    rc_values[RC_CH1] = rc_input_MIN;
  if (rc_values[RC_CH1] > rc_input_MAX) {
    rc_values[RC_CH1] = rc_input_MAX;
void calc_ch2() {
  calc_input(RC_CH2, RC_CH2_INPUT);
  if (rc_values[RC_CH2] < rc_input_MIN) {
    rc_values[RC_CH2] = rc_input_MIN;
  if (rc_values[RC_CH2] > rc_input_MAX) {
    rc_values[RC_CH2] = rc_input_MAX;
void calc_ch3() {
 calc_input(RC_CH3, RC_CH3_INPUT);
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