I got an IDC connector today, which meant I was able to connect the PCW data bus to my AY-3-8912A sound chip without having to go through the CPLD. While I was about it I also moved the clock signal onto one of the CPLD's clock pins and took the video signal directly to the video output circuit too.
I had to fiddle with my logic analyser a little — I was expecting to be able to map ports 0xA8 to 0xAB to the sound chip, and have address line A1 connected to BDIR and A0 connected to BC1, but it wasn't quite that simple — I had to invert A0 when A1 is 1.
Then all of a sudden, Head over Heels started detecting the joystick and sound card, and I started to get the most musical sounds I've ever heard from a PCW.
I haven't sorted out the sound output circuit properly yet, so for this video I just connected all the three channel outputs together and fed them through my guitar amp — hence the distorted sound! It was also quite hard holding the wires together at the same time as holding my camera and operating the joystick. So, not the best video you'll have ever seen:
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