• Using the YASSD

    riktw10/15/2017 at 07:40 0 comments

    The YASSD is controlled via a UART connection, via a couple of simple commands, at a baudrate of 19200:
    To control what is displayed:


    So if the display has an ID of 04 and you want to display 1337:


    A dot is no problem, just insert it whereever:

    04,1.234\n   or 04,123.4\n

    To change the brightness:

    ID,Bx, with x being 0 to F (hexadecimal 0-15) for the brightness, 0 being the lowest, F the highest, for example:

    04,B2\n  or 04,BA\n

    As long as YASSD boards have a different ID set by the solder jumbers, they can be connected to the same UART bus, a bit like how I2C works.