
The Power of Plain C

A project log for µGame

A handheld game console programmable with (Micro/Circuit)Python.

dehipudeʃhipu 10/29/2017 at 14:301 Comment

I was expecting a considerable speedup from rewriting the whole rendering code as a C module and compiling it into the CircuitPython firmware, but a 50x improvement is much better than anticipated. I was afraid that I will have to limit myself to just a few sprites on the screen at once, and just one or two layers of tiles. But with this speed, there is no such problem. Of course, it will still slow down to around one frame per second if I fill the whole screen with animated sprites, but I think even ¼ of screen is already workable.


ia wrote 10/29/2017 at 16:24 point

Dało by się użyć jakiejś standardowej biblioteki graficznej?

Jak z poborem prądu? Ile by działało na jednej baterii AA? Da sie to uśpić|wybudzić ?

FPGA ostatnio modne. Podłączyć FPGA do powiedzmy 4 procesorów. Tak działa parallela albo wstawic procesor z84 i odpalic cp/m 

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