Here's a video showing how the machine learning-based card detector works! The robust detection model allows RAIN MAN 2.0 to see cards in a variety of conditions, and even when the cards are overlapping.
List of Project Tasks to Complete:
- Get card detector program to work with overlapping cards. (Going to try to implement convolutional neural network for detecting the cards) - DONE!
- Add card counting capability to card detector - DONE!
- Get card counting to work with multiple decks (this will require re-training the detection model)
- Add ability to determine correct play (hit, stand, split, double down) for a given blackjack hand + dealer upcard
- Add ability to play through a hand of blackjack
- Create an initial 3D model of what the physical blackjack bot will look like - use best guesses on what the dimensions will be
- Create servo-driven arm that taps the card table twice for a "hit", or waves side to side for a "stand". Figure out best way to wire servo up to Raspberry Pi
- Integrate a small LCD display that shows what cards the bot is seeing
This is just an initial list! As the project develops, I will undoubtedly find more things I need to do.
Hi Evan!
Me and my team love the work that you have done in this and subsequent projects! You are an inspiration, as i am the only one that has any coding competancy and am working on recruiting lol
How would i go about getting my hands on your most recent version of this project?