
Wiring the Accelerometers to the Arduinos

A project log for Lord of the Rings

Utilizing 8 accelerometers mounted on 3D printed rings, LOTR gives users the ability to type anywhere and anyway.

rishi-salwiRishi Salwi 10/16/2017 at 03:320 Comments

We needed a simple way to take input from all 10 accelerometers for each finger. The circuit would also have to process this data and turn it into text data. The MPU-6050 accelerometers use the I2C communication protocol. Thus they use the 2 analog input pins on the Arduino for communication. This is a problem as we are trying to connect 10 accelerometers to one Arduino. We tried to cycle through every single accelerometer individually by sending power to specific MPU-6050s. This was too slow as there was a lot of delay every time we switched. Therefore, we need a better way to take input from the accelerometers.
