
Author Guidelines

A project log for Hackaday Journal of What You Don't Know

[ an open-access peer-reviewed journal ]

aleksandar-bradicAleksandar Bradic 11/25/2017 at 03:202 Comments

Publication Criteria

HJWYDK publishes original work in the areas of interest to the Hackaday community. The criteria of acceptance are the quality of work in the following aspects: (1) Novelty and practical impact (2) Technical soundness (3) Quality of presentation (4) Relevance.

Manuscript Preparation

This journal doesn't require a fixed format, in order to be accomodating to a broad range of presentation styles / topics, but you should be aware that for the final version it will be re-set in LaTeX. So the use of LaTeX in the source document is heavily encouraged. Manuscripts should be written in English. There is no restriction on the length of manuscripts. 



Manuscript Status

After submission of manuscripts, authors will receive an email to confirm receipt of manuscripts. Subsequent enquiries concerning paper progress should be sent to the email address of the journal.

Review Procedure

HJWYDK is committed to enforcing a full peer-review process. All manuscripts submitted for publications are thoroughly reviewed.


Authors publishing with HJWYDK retain the copyright to their work. 

All articles published in HJWYDK are fully open access and online available to readers free of charge.  HJWYDK publishes all open access articles under the Creative Commons Attribution License,  which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction freely, provided that the original work is properly cited.


Aleksandar Bradic wrote 11/30/2017 at 02:06 point

We should have something ready by the end of the week (or so ;))

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danjovic wrote 11/29/2017 at 00:30 point

Cool initiative!

Is the template already available?

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