
Zynq UltraScale+: HDMI out

HDMI out demonstration on the EMC2 development platform from Sundance.

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The demonstration runs on a stand-alone EMC² Development Platform PCIe/104 OneBank™ featuring a Zynq Ultrascale+ZU3EG with Quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 and a re-configurable FPGA Logic.
The quad ARM processor cores have direct access to the DDR4 memory that provides 1GByte of storage.

The purpose of this demo is to use the HDMI feature on the SEIC extension board.
At power up, the FSBL loads an image from the boot.bin partition to a defined address in the DDR. The FSBL also configures the IPs at boot time.
The design then reads this image and send it to the on-board HDMI output where it is displayed as a splash screen on the monitor.

Hardware design

The demo is based on a customed design platform developed in Vivado 2017.2.

The on-board HDMI output component (ADV7511) is configured by software at start up as well as other components such as  VDMA, VTC, TPG.

The Xilinx® LogiCORE™ IP AXI VDMA core provides the high-bandwidth direct memory access between the DDR4 memory and the HDMI peripheral.

The Video Test Pattern Generator is used as a pass-trough. The Video IO HDMI and the axis_fb_conv IP are Trenz Electronics IP cores.

The I²C is the protocol of communication.

This is a simplified view of the hardware design using Vivado 2017.2

Software design

Our demo is a bare-metal application executed on the ARM Cortex A53 processor. The project was developed with SDSoC2017.2 from Xilinx.

The software initialised the HDMI, VDMA, VTC and TPG then reads an image at address 0x38000000 in the DDR and send it to the on-board HDMI output. The image is then displayed on a monitor.

  • 1 × EMC2-ZU3EG PC/104 OneBank Board w. Zynq ZU3EG MPSoC FPGA developed by Sundance Multiprocessor Technology Ltd.
  • 1 × VITA 57.1 FMC-IMAGEON HDMI input/output FMC card that provides high definition video interface for Xilinx FPGAs
  • 1 × TE0820-02-03EG-1E MPSoC Module with Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ ZU3EG-1E, 4 x 5 cm, 1 GByte DDR4 developped by Trenz Electronics

  • 1
    Download the source files

    The source files can be downloaded from here:

    Hdmi in demo

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arif.dagci wrote 01/30/2019 at 06:56 point

I download the source files but I can't understand how to do it. Could you help me? 


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