
Decoder Ring

A project log for AWS/WeatherBug Display Resurrection

It's been orphaned, but I'm adopting it.

roleohibachiroleohibachi 01/15/2018 at 02:230 Comments

Great success with decoding the 9600bps serial data on the RO line. I've successfully identified the function of 17 of the 35 data fields. Many of them are probably just padding, too. Here's the breakdown, based on the message sent by the MCU and a small arduino sketch that modifies it. 

Here is a little arduino sketch that showcases the data format, and sends it out using SoftwareSerial.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial softSerial(9, 10); // RX, TX. Connect TX to Display's RO.

#define START "\x0A"
#define EOM "\x8D"
#define datalen 36
char* data[datalen] = {
  "12\xAC",    //hours, 24-hr format. If >12, add 12. "111\xAC"=99.
  "34\xAC",    //Minutes, max 99. 
  "56\xAC",    //First field (US month)
  "78\xAC",    //Second field (US day)
  "01744\xAC",    //ind temp, 1744=0F
  "01744\xAC",    //outside temp
  "01744\xAC",    //aux temp
  "979\xAC",    //unk
  "4439\xAC",    //humidity
  "0\xAC",    //unk
  "07647\xAC",    //barometer
  "0\xAC",    //unk
  "65535\xAC",    //daily rainfall
  "00000\xAC",    //monthly rainfall
  "00000\xAC",    //yearly rainfall
  "000\xAC",    //Wind speed in km/hr. (display only has 2 digits, but truncates >99)
  "00\xAC",    //Wind direction. 15 LEDs, indexed clockwise. W=12. Wraps around. ESE lights two LEDs - I think it's a bug in the factory ROM!
  "0\xAC",    //unk
  "00\xAC",    //Avg wind speed
  "09\xAC",    //Avg wind direction
  "53\xAC",    //unk
  "0\xAC",    //unk
  "0\xAC",    //unk
  "65000\xAC",    //pressure rate, and associated rising/falling LEDs
  "0\xAC",    //unk
  "0\xAC",    //unk
  "0\xAC",    //unk
  "0\xAC",    //unk
  "0\xAC",    //unk
  "0\xAC",    //unk
  "0\xAC",    //unk
  "0\xAC",    //unk
  "0\xAC",    //unk
  "0\xAC",    //unk

void setup() {


  while (!Serial) {
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only



void loop() { // run over and over

  for (int i = 0; i < datalen; i++) {
    //Do not use serial debug messages in the same timing loop as the live data. It breaks timing.
    Serial.print(i, DEC);
    Serial.print(": ");
    // 0xAC in extended ASCII is "¬". EOM looks like "�". Line feed will print an empty line.

  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); //mimics MCU LED, but doesn't pulse RS485
  for (int i = 0; i < datalen; i++) {

  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

  delay(100); //This can possibly be lower, but cannot be zero


I've also characterized a couple of the calculated fields, but not all of them. Here's what I've got, where 'x' is the serial value:
