Mission Control - Raspberry Pi 2 B, 19" LCD monitor, 4-channel Analog Camera Encoder NVR with 16GB SD card, Cradlepoint MBR1200 Cellular capable WiFi router, multiplexed indicator lights, dual Furuno RD-33 remote displays, 12VDC 14Ah battery bank, 30 amp solar charge controller,
Tracking Station - 12VDC gearmotor Pan/Tilt turret, 2.4 and 5 Directional WiFi antennas, Trend net AP for Vehicle communication, Trend net AP for link to Mission Control WiFi. GPS receiver, CMU cam with telephoto lense for visual tracking, analog camera with Telephoto zoom lense, Arduino controller, dual H-bridge motor controller.
Weather Station - Airmar PB150 ultrasonic wind sensor with Integrated GPS receiver.
Launch Pad - 6' launch rail, 3' launch rod, Armed Status strobe light, notification/alert/PA loudspeaker
Vehicle Package - Raspberry Pi Zero W, 16-channel servo controller, 10-DOF IMU, GPS receiver, 4 pyrotechnic channels(uses 4 of 16 servo channels), 8MP Pi Camera, 16GB SD card.