
Successful Reverse

A project log for Variable speed washer motor and controller reuse

Motors and controllers can be salvaged from scrapped washing machines. This project delves into reusing the motor controller too.

jerry-trantowJerry Trantow 01/08/2018 at 06:240 Comments

Steve scoped his washer and figured out the state of the TORQUE_PWM signal determines the rotation direction. I put together a quick Arduino test and verified this works for me. Thanks Steve!

I added an interrupt to the Arduino code but the MTR_CTRL_TACH signal is too noisy until 140-150 msec after I turn off the TORQUE_PWM. I was using the internal pullups on the input pin. I see real sharp 16khz noise spikes on the tach signal so I will have to figure out some filtering or how this noise gets on the line. I added a file with the scope shot of the noise. Yellow is TORQUE_PWM signal, Green is the MTR_CTRL_TACH signal.
