Quantity   Component name
30 × Adafruit NeoPixel RGB 5050 LEDs https://www.adafruit.com/product/1655
30 × .1µF Capacitors Decoupling capacitors - one for every LED
1 × 470Ω Resistor Potentiometers, Trimmers, Variable Resistors / Trimmer Potentiometers
1 × Arduino Uno R3 Though I expect to swap out for a smaller microcontroller before I'm done
1 × Bourns PEC11 series rotary encoder With push momentary switch
1 × 470µF Capacitor Across the power supply, per the NeoPixel guide (1000µF suggested)
1 × Adafruit DS3231 Precision RTC Breakout Real time clock module
1 × CdS Photoresistor For measuring room brightness
1 × 1kΩ Resistor In series with the photoresistor