
Speaker LCD Controller

A button controlled volume/input controller for speakers

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After being frustrated by the cable length and fiddliness of my 2.1 PC Speaker system, I removed the amplifier from the "Master" Speaker and installed spring terminals on the back of both Speakers and Sub. By being able to use standard speaker wires to connect the speakers to the amplifier, this somewhat removed the limitations of placement.

I was left over with a circuit board and a bunch of wires connecting the speakers which looked unattractive to say the least. This worked for quite sometime until my Boss one day came in with a CNC Router he'd purchased. We now embark on the Journey to have a neatly contained, re routing controls to the LCD, amplifier for our speakers that are place able anywhere.

By the way, I am a long time "gunna" and short time "do-er", this is the furthest I've ever got to completing a project.

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